


When you get to a certain age, you stop wishing your life away and start wishing that it would slow down. And that can be even worse.

You stop fretting Monday when in you’re in it and start fretting Tuesday because that’ll mean another precious day is gone.

Lately, however, I’ve been reciting a little mantra that has really drawn out some of the sting . . .



It’s a cliche but it’s true: life is fragile. And it’s precious.

My family lost an amazing human being last month. It was sudden, it was shocking, and it’s left me to sit in a mixture of numbness, disbelief, and unimaginable loss.

Writing this is difficult and I feel like it’s a very small step in what it might mean for me to begin to heal…



I scroll through my Facebook feed and man… are we ever talking over each other’s heads.

One friend posts a meme with false, faulty, or disingenuous information with a comment such as, “See, President A, B, or C is the DEVIL INCARNATE!”

Very next friend posts a meme with false, faulty, or disingenuous information with a comment such as, “See, President A, B, or C is the SAVIOR OF ALL MANKIND!”

And I’m like… Really?…..



Normally, on a weekday morning, the rush is on.

Getting the first grader ready for school, lunch packed, and dropped off on time.

The four year old getting toys packed, slung in the carseat and off to my parent’s or in-laws house so that my wife and I can get to work.

This morning, however, I took my little one out to eat...