


Got my second shot today!

(When will I start getting 5G?)

Look, there’s an awful lot of information available today. Some of it is good, some of it is bad, and some of it is just what we have.

But if we’re going to be people who claim to care—to care about truth and our shared humanity—we need to be really careful what information we put stock in.

I’ll give you an example that broke my heart just today . . .




Not that kind of slice.


In less than a week’s time I’ll be having my first major surgery since I broke my arm jumping out of the bathtub at age seven (I had to pee!).

2018 has been a rough year for me, mostly stemming from my physical condition.

I’ve had low back pain on and off since I was a teenager, but starting in January, it was different than normal. It was more in my gluten and down my leg than ever before…



I scroll through my Facebook feed and man… are we ever talking over each other’s heads.

One friend posts a meme with false, faulty, or disingenuous information with a comment such as, “See, President A, B, or C is the DEVIL INCARNATE!”

Very next friend posts a meme with false, faulty, or disingenuous information with a comment such as, “See, President A, B, or C is the SAVIOR OF ALL MANKIND!”

And I’m like… Really?…..