
I’m excited to announce that my short story Advokat won the 2021 American Bar Association Journal/Ross Writing Contest for Legal Fiction!

You can read the American Bar Association Journal’s announcement here.

Advokat is the story of a seasoned immigration attorney who learns a lesson about acceptance after advocating for a pro bono client in a life and death situation.

The American Bar Association Journal will publish the story in November of this year. Advokat will also be included in a new collection of my work that will be published by Quoir early in 2022.

I want to say a big thank you to the usual folks (you know who you are), but I’d also like to specifically thank:

• Professor Arth, who organized the Belmont University College of Law writing contest and gave me some fantastic feedback on the story. This story would not exist without her efforts!

• Professor Zehrt, who helped me navigate the ethical quandaries this story presented.

• Mr. Gopal, of Gopal and Pedigo, who was kind enough to share his time and wealth of expertise in the field of immigration law with me.