
Thanks for taking the time to stop by.

My name is Brandon Dragan and I am an author, filmmaker, and recovering musician.  I live in the Nashville, Tennessee area with my wife and best friend in the world, Jami and our two amazing daughters, Natalie and Brooklyn.

My hope for this blog is that we’ll connect.  That’s it.  I want to open up my wandering brain and maybe you’ll see something worth thinking about.  

I hope to talk about storytelling, filmmaking, spirituality, history, sports, family, and more, and will also use this platform to release new short stories that I’ve written, from time to time, free of charge.

I believe in grace and love above all else. I believe they are the foundation of the universe.

I love people. I love learning from people and helping where I can.

I love traveling, experiencing different cultures and ways of thinking/lifestyle.

I have a hole in my heart knowing that there are orphaned children in the world.

I love studying history. Human stories never cease to fascinate me.

I love standup comedy. Again. Human stories never cease to fascinate me.

I have a soft spot for books. Real ink and paper books. I hoard them.

I like smoking cigars at the beach. Or around a campfire. Or anywhere else.

I love watching Pride and Prejudice with my wife. The 6 hour BBC one. Except for the fact that I can’t help but suspect that she would leave me for Colin Firth if she had the chance.

My top 3 bucket list items are: 1) having a beer Noel Gallagher, 2) meeting Mesut Özil, 3) living by the beach.

Here are some other quick and random facts about me, if you care to know:

Hometown: Bloomfield, NJ

Ancestry:  Ukrainian, Russian, German

Favorite Novels:  No Country for Old Men (Cormac McCarthy), Dr. Zhivago (Boris Pasternak), The Count of Monte Cristo (Alexandre Dumas), War & Peace (Leo Tolstoy), The Chosen (Chaim Potok)

Favorite Movies:  The Godfather, The World’s End, Schindler’s List, Dumb & Dumber, Waking Ned Devine, The Tree of Life, Everything is Illuminated, Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, Anchorman, and WAY too many more to list

Favorite Music Artists:  Noel Gallagher, Oasis, Arkells, Foo Fighters, anything with Jack White, and many more

Favorite Comedians:  Ricky Gervais, Pete Holmes, Kyle Kinane, Ali Sidiq, Kumail Nanjiani, Louis CK, Nate Bargatze

Favorite Drinks:  Yazoo Gerst, a good Scotch

Favorite Cities (that I’ve actually visited): Kyiv, Odessa (Ukraine), New York, St. Louis, Nashville, Honolulu

Sport Teams: Arsenal FC, New York Giants, New Jersey Devils

Anyway, that’s enough about me.  Anything else you’d like to know just ask.

And again, welcome.